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What Are the Causes of Speech Delay and Developmental Speech Disorders?

Causes of speech delay in children are numerous and complex, but there is one common denominator among them. The causes of delayed speech are all related to one central cause: a deficiency of the neurological system. As we grow up, children are developing both the motor skills and speech organs that will become their lifelong gift. However, the development of these two essential skills occurs at different times and for different reasons. Speech delay, especially among children with autism, is often caused by neurological dysfunction.

Autism is one of the most common causes of speech delays because of the profound difficulties involved in communicating with others. Because of language disorder, they struggle with basic communication skills like saying the alphabet and naming objects. Some children who suffer from autism also have hearing loss, memory problems and other learning disabilities. All of these problems lead to delays in speech development, which then translate into delays in language abilities.

When the central nervous system and the brain fail to connect, language delay can manifest itself in many ways. Some preschool children who are diagnosed with autism or a language disorder also have visual problems, gross motor delays and other physical challenges. Others may have problems with learning or performing the simplest activities of daily life. One preschool child with an autism spectrum disorder even started kindergarten early, but later developed obsessive-compulsive behaviors and repetitive tendencies. The lack of social interaction and communication often made the child afraid of his environment, unable to make friends and shunned by classmates. Read more at

Causes of delayed speech development can also be genetic. Research has shown that identical twins – where each sibling shares exactly the same DNA – tend to have similar delays in language development. Similarly, fraternal twins or half-siblings share identical DNA, but have very different sets of symptoms and delays. Research also suggests that genetic disorders can lead to delays in speech development.

Another possible cause of speech delay is hearing loss. Hearing loss can affect anyone regardless of age. Hearing loss is a sign that the auditory nerve, which links the brain to voice, has been damaged. Hearing loss occurs in younger children than it does in older people, although hearing loss usually progresses as the person gets older. Hearing loss makes it difficult for pre-school children to understand and speak.

One study examined how a preschooler’s verbal skills influenced the extent of her facial dysmorphic disorder (FDD). The study found that FDD was moderately associated with parent-child relationship quality. The researchers concluded that this relationship was not causal but suggestive. The study also found that FDD increased with age and that girls had more FDD than boys. There are many possible factors that combine to lead to FDD and these include social cognitive and communication difficulties, hyperactivity, temperament, family environment, intellectual skills, sex and handedness.

Other causes of speech delay and/or developmental speech disorders delays are based on studying the brains of autistic individuals. Autistic individuals suffer from many of the same disorders as autistic children but their exact causes are not known. A recent study examined the relation between handedness and autism. It was found that there was a significant positive correlation between handedness and severe autism.

There are many potential causes of speech disorders and delays. In order to help children develop language at an early age, speech therapy can help address problems associated with verbal motor coordination and communication. Early intervention is key to helping children overcome speech disorders and delays. Early intervention can go a long way towards promoting successful adulthood.
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